The UK is now understandably one of the top locations sought by international families as their permanent home, attracted by fine British traditions and culture, the fabulous properties available, and not least, the educational supremacy demonstrated throughout our schools and universities. Octagon has been on the receiving end of heightened interest from prospective buyers from some of the emerging and increasingly affluent continents, including China.
Which is why, when we were introduced by our friends at glossy monthly magazine London Property Review, to meet SINA, the giant news and information web portal based in Hong Kong, for an interview and tour of our properties, we accepted gracefully.
Today, we have a selection of our latest homes featured on SINA, supported by some striking banner headlines, all translated into Mandarin for the 100 million subscribers who log onto the site. When an enquiry comes in to request more details on one of our houses, SINA automatically pick up the call and converse in Mandarin, then report back to us with the prospective buyer’s request.
It is early days but encouraging that already a Chinese visitor seeking a base from where his children can attend English school and university, has flown across from Shanghai to inspect some of our Surrey homes.
The latest news from Octagon Developments