Octagon Site Manager Gets Major Accolade


John Cuffe (centre), an Octagon site manager for fourteen years, has been singled out as one of the ‘industry heroes’ at the recent National House Building Council’s Pride in the Job Awards. Having reached the national finals for his high quality performance for an Octagon Bespoke property in North London’s Highgate, John was called up to the rostrum to received second place overall in the nationally run competition.

These are the only UK awards dedicated to recognising exceptional people on the ground who oversee housing projects from start to finish.

John scored second top marks in the country for achieving the highest standards in all aspects of house-building, ranging from taking pride in everything and the wellbeing of his team to the satisfaction of new homeowners, as well as quality craftsmanship, judged at every build stage.

Mike Quinton, NHBC Chief Executive who presented the award with the help of TV comedian Al Murray, commented,

“John should be incredibly proud. He’s beaten around 15,000 other site managers to get to this point, putting him in the top one percent of his profession. It’s a fantastic achievement that proves that the homes John is producing are of an exceptional standard.”

Following his award, John said:

“This award is for the effort you put in to building a quality house. It’s a pat on the back that we all need from time to time. I enjoy building homes of a very high quality, seeing the project through from the start to handing the keys over to the new owners.”

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